Several other retail sites for XTensions offer similar serivces, and most XTensions developers have websites of their own. Not only do these sites let you purchase XTensions online, but they offer downloadable demos, too. Plenty of information about XTensions is available online, including these XTensions vendors: CoDesCo and The PowerXChange.
Hundreds of commercial XTensions for QuarkXPress are available for both Mac and Windows these XTensions handle a wide range of tasks that QuarkXPress cannot. The next time you’re online, check out some of these QuarkXPress and desktop-publishing sites. QuarkXPress users have access to an abundance of QuarkXPress-related information and freebies. The horizontal icon produces pages with a landscape, or horizontal, orientation (wider than tall). Orientation: Click the icon that looks like a portrait to get portrait, or vertical, orientation of the document (taller than wide). Checking this option reduces the size of your page, ensuring that nothing is cut off. The printer can’t print in this gap, so a document that is as large as the paper size usually gets cut off along one or more edges of the paper. Almost every printer has a gap along at least one edge where the printer grasps the paper (usually with rollers) to move it through the printing assembly. Generally, this option is used to reduce the size of a document page. Your choices are Left Edge (the default), Center (centers both horizontally and vertically), Center Horizontal, and Center Vertical.įit in Print Area: This option calculates the percentage of reduction or enlargement necessary to ensure that the document page fits fully within the paper size. Page Positioning: This pop-up menu lets you align the page within the paper on which it is printed.

Printing at reduced scale is useful if your document’s page size is large and you can get by with a reduced version of the document for proofing purposes. Reduce or Enlarge: You can scale a page before you print it by entering a value between 25% and 400%. If you select a printer that can print on nonstandard pages (such as an imagesetter), the Paper Width and Paper Height options become active so that you can specify the size of the paper. The size of the paper that you use doesn’t always correspond to the trim size of your final document. Paper Size, Paper Width, and Paper Height: For the Paper Size option, choose the size of the paper that will be used in the printer.

Some of the options that you can set in the Setup pane include the following: To display the Document Setup dialog box, choose File→Document Setup (or press Option+Shift+Command+P or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P ).

The Document Setup dialog box is where you set the size of your printed page. When you’re ready to print a QuarkXPress 5 document, first make sure that the Document Setup dialog box is set up the way you want.
How to Set Up a Document in QuarkXPress 5 QuarkXPress Shortcuts for Object Selection Here are some helpful shortcut keys for view, palette, and object-selection tasks. You probably won’t memorize most of them, but you’ll no doubt find yourself using one or two all the time. QuarkXPress 5 has tons and tons of shortcuts.
Quarkxpress 5 free download - Apple Safari, QuarkXPress, QuarkXpress Update, and many more programs. Review Free Download specifications 100% CLEAN report malware. You can also explore some Quark-related websites to help you along the way. No matter what kind of QuarkXPress user you are, you’ll find shortcuts helpful for executing basic tasks and learn how to set up a document in QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress 5 is a powerful desktop publishing program that allows users to make very simple, one-color documents, or moderately challenging documents, which can include photos, illustrations, and complex charts.